Responsibilities and authorities of processes are determined X yes no Input and output of the processes are defined. The sequence and interactions of the relevant processes have been defined. Sampling can be performed in the stage 2 audit as intended. Multi-site organization: The management representative has appropriate authorities over the sites included in the multi-site organization. The certification refers to multiple sites and is based on sampling. The management review of Univesitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta was carried out in accordance with the requirements and was effective, i.e. The organization performed internal audits in line with the requirements, i.e dated 17 to 27 September 2018 The organization has established regulations to identify and comply with statutory and regulatory requirements. The management system is appropriate for implementing corporate policy and objec-tives. The scope matches the image presented by the organization (e.g. The selection of the audit team is appropriate for the scope of certification. The certification scope applies to the entire organization. Management system documentation as at Quality Management System (MM/UMY/02/01 ) was reviewed, i.e. The organization has documented the management system in accordance with the requirements and has clearly defined the scope of certification. Proof that these weaknesses have been eliminated must be submitted to the audit team by 2018.11.26-27 at the latest, so that the stage 1 audit can be concluded with a positive result and the planning for the stage 2 audit can be realized. The audit revealed critical weaknesses which will be rated as nonconformities in the stage 2 audit. The weak-nesses must be eliminated as discussed, so that the stage 2 audit can be carried out as scheduled.

The audit revealed weaknesses which may be rated as non-conformities in the stage 2 audit. The organization is fully ready for a stage 2 audit.

The results and find-ings are outlined in Section 4 of this report and permit appropriate planning of the stage 2 audit.

The aim of the stage 1 audit was to review the organizations readiness for the stage 2 audit. 10Ĥ.3 Special features of stage 2 auditing. 7Ĥ.2 Special features of stage 1 auditing. 7Ĥ.1 Documentation and management system implementation. 7Ĥ Findings and opportunities for improvement.
SNI ISO 9001:2015 88 1st Stage Certification Auditġ Audit result. I.Ĭlient Standard(s) Certification Number(s) Audit Type Based on the result of data analysis, it can be inferred that the progressive Islamic values were textually and contextually in the mateial, examples of attitude, learning activities, and illustration.1st Stage Certification Audit Report as per (3) the characteristics of progressive Islamic values in the Kemuhammadiyahan textbooks for SMA/SMK/MA students are described through learning objectives and materials, competency tests, independent assignments, and insights, (4) the graphical characteristics of progressive Islamic values in Kemuhammadiyahan education textbooks for SMA/SMK/MA students are presented in logo illustrations, covers, and documentation of organizational activities. The results show that, (1) the textual and contextual contents of faith, liberation, humanity, and justice or equality are presented in the Kemuhammadiayah textbooks for SMA/SMK/MA students, (2) the progressive Islamic values are presented in the sentences and paragraphs of Kemuhammadiyahan textbooks for SMA/SMK/MA students, showing as indicated in the indicators of competences. Data were validated by credibility test (external validity), transferability (internal validity), dependability (reliability), and confirmability. Data were analyzed by content analysis and hermeneutics presented following the heuristics, criticism, and interpretation stages. Data were obtained through documentation technique. This research is a qualitative library research with a philosophical approach. The purposes of this research was to: (1) describe the content characteristics of progressive Islamic values in the textbooks of “Kemuhammadiyahan” used for senior or vocational schools (SMA/SMK,MA), (2) describe the language characteristics of the progressive Islamic values in the textbooks, (3) describe the presentation characteristics of progressive Islamic values in the textbooks, and (4) describe the graphical characteristics of progressive Islamic values the textbooks. Kemuhammadiyahan or “Muhammadiyah” education textbooks are the main learning media to transfer and internalize values for students in secondary education, which being the foundation of Muhammadiyah movement. Progressive Islam represents a theological reflection of transcendence, liberation, humanization, and emancipation values.